search warrants

美 [sɜːrtʃ ˈwɔːrənts]英 [sɜːtʃ ˈwɒrənts]
  • n.搜查令;搜查证
  • search warrant的复数
search warrantssearch warrants

search warrants


  • 1
    N-COUNT 搜查令;搜查证
    A search warrant is a special document that gives the police permission to search a house or other building.

    Officers armed with a search warrant entered the flat.


  1. The three-month investigation led to the execution of five search warrants in the Bronx .


  2. Other countries , the company said , would perhaps seek to apply their own search warrants to servers located in the US .


  3. Parts of the released search warrants are redacted .


  4. Anyone who goes that route should know Snapchat is subject to search warrants just like any other site .


  5. In order to comply with government search warrants on user data , Google created a backdoor access system into Gmail accounts .


  6. Microsoft said the practice of issuing search warrants with secrecy orders had become more common as more customers move to cloud computing .


  7. Police say they are serving more than two dozen search warrants and making multiple arrests at the Los Angeles international airport Wednesday .


  8. The allegations are contained in two search warrants granted last month to Canada 's federal Competition Bureau as part of an investigation into the chocolate industry .


  9. Search warrants released today in the Newtown school shooting describe an arsenal of weapons found in the home and car of shooter , Adam Lanza .


  10. Mayor Greg Fischer says the settlement will be accompanied by reforms of the Louisville Metro Police Department , including a requirement that commanders approve search warrants before they are put before a judge .


  11. From November 2009 to date , we 've issued 20 arrest warrants and 86 search warrants for flats and company premises in Germany , Switzerland , Slovenia , Croatia , Austria and the UK .
